What is your favourite spot in your current home? KD: My favourite spot is a floor pillow I have near my couch, by the coffee table. I place it so I can lean against couch when I sit on it.
It that where you sit in videos? That is cool because it says to me hey I am your friend and lets just chill and talk about life.
Great, so now on to community. What does community mean to you? KD:Community means connecting with like-minded people, that share joys, share interests, and are a support for each other. You can count on them to bring life to your life.
People I look forward to being around and soaking up their energy, what they bring to culture, what they bring to our area [Oakland] and the physical space we are having our interaction in.
What type of events or spaces do you think get people to interact the most?
KD: In my experience it is directly related to things I am interested in: dance spaces, things that are active; dance, exercise, classes or gyms. Where I get to interact with people I didn't know previously. Not a club! (giggle). I mean things like cultural events. There is always dance involved. It is a reflection of my own personal love and passion. Then there is dinning, when you gather with people you intentionally want to dine with. There is more talking and you really start to get to know each other more.
What would you tell your 18-year old self if you had the chance?
KD: 1. Travel internationally now! Push for it and make it happen now. I knew I wanted to travel, but I waited until after college and went when I was 21.
2. Be bold and not afraid of the spotlight! That's a big one. For example, so one thing that I really enjoy is live music, I never pushed myself or had the courage to play a solo with a band (I play the alto saxophone). This choice limited my skills and ability. Another example is from college. I was going to be a television anchor woman and I was working on a cable show and I did not want people to know me, again, I did not want to be in the spotlight. I changed my major. So I would tell my 18-year old self to push and purse interests. And more recently, I have never tried out to be a Sambista (one of the main samba women). But I have been shedding some of that, and now I have an idea to maybe do it next year.
3. Don't limit yourself in anything. Allow yourself to experience anything that you choose to without hesitation, inhibition, rules, whatever makes you say "no" to new experiences.
Wow, you would still make a great tv anchor. And you have done so much in life! How do you stay inspired?
KD: I have a self-care plan that makes me stay inspired.The components I have merged together in this plan remind me everyday of what I am looking to design for myself and that inspires me each day.
Here are 3 components:
1. Visualize how the day will go, what I am going to do, how my interactions with others are going to feel. I also visualize my ideal life and really feel that.
2. Stay inspired by acknowledging self; I list 5 things that are evident for me that I am on the right track, and give myself a pat on that back. I look at what I have accomplished, to inspire me to keep going. I acknowledge myself however small the achievement is.
3. I Dance everyday! I have one song I dance to for 4 minutes, really really hard and cant help but laugh and smile because it is funny, especially in the mirror.
These are habits we all should cultivate. It is inspiring that you are actually doing it.
KD: Yes, I do it first thing in the morning, sometimes if running late I do it later in the day. But it really works best when I do it first thing and make it a daily ritual or habit.
Anything else you want to share? What do you want to be known for?
KD: I want to be known for my motto: Live by Design, Not by Default. My other motto is Live with Intention. Play with Abandon.
...And I got THE ticket to BraZil, Boom!