LET THE PATTERNS (play) I WONDER about seeing things in a new light this piece is infused with the energy of growth + renewal
Forgiveness is one of our main life lessons.
Many years ago I finally realised the true importance of forgiveness. I had the insight that for as long as I held a grudge I was locking a piece of myself in stagnation. I was not getting even with anyone and I was only making myself more uncomfortable.
I also realised it was easier to forgive some events and people more than others. And sometimes no matter how much I thought about forgiving I still felt resistance. So when this came I chose to pray to forgive. I put it into the hands of a higher source, and as I revisited the incident I gradually felt the release. I also began to see how each situation has a learning attached to it.
Forgiveness is Freedom: Removing judgement + reclaiming personal power via choice. It is unconditional love + compassion.
At some point I also remember discussing the importance of forgiveness with my mother and she also suggested prayer.
Awareness was key to seeing where forgiveness was still needed. Where I was still tying energy to the past. As I released I felt more freedom. And I was able to realease more quickly when new concerns arose.
I also wrote a list of where I felt forgiveness was needed. I looked at the situations from a new perspective. I looked at why I felt wronged. I had to witness my feelings with clarity and nonattachment to being right. I left the list on my altar and revisited it every now and then. It feels good to let go in this way.
I also began to realise the importance of self-forgiveness. You know this is needed when blame, guilt or shame (the victim archytype) holds you back from living freely. You become aware of how you are beating yourself up, even in the smallest ways. As I began to practise this, I began to take things less personally.
I choose To be guided by LOVE.
Affirmations: “I am willing to forgive myself and others for any mistakes in thinking, which were made during this day. I choose peace of mind in exchange for releasing these errors in thought. I ask that all effects of these errors be forgotten in all of time by all concerned.” - from Doreen Virtue, Chakra Healing
I forgive myself for everything i have done in my whole life + beyond. It lead me to where i am now. I learn from my mistakes.
Notes on Forgiveness to explore futher:
Alpha waves for forgiveness and love.
Honour the Body + Mind through forgiveness
Cleanses emotional wounds + allows for mental healing.
Healing = truth + forgiveness + love leads to a new earth.
Dis ease is in the mind.
"When you touch a wounds + it does not hurt you know you have healed. Memory/ scar may remain, but will no longer hurt."
Let go of pride - personal importance.
Forgiveness calls for practising unconditional love - surrender to love + stop resisting life. Accept all things.
A book that helped me to understand forgiveness on an even deeper level was Radical Forgiveness which i found while searching the internet. I had read radical self love and thought about radical forgiveness. I found a link to a free download of the book along with worksheets. I have not made use of the worksheets, but reading the book was so helpful in embracing the concept that all experiences are for our highest good, no matter how the appear. And sometimes we act things out unconciously to help each other to grow spiritually - we help each other to experience "challenges" so that we might gain INSIGHT that futhers us along our life journey.
Reading the 4 Aggreements has also aided in this and is always uplifting to reread. Reminding me that empowerment lies in the fact that you can change the dream + make new aggreements.
Women Who Run with Wolves. I Call back all the bones of all i thought i lost.
See skillshare class on forgiveness, i have not taken it, but worth checking out.